Wednesday 6 November 2013

Falling into Darkness

Have you ever had a dream where you were falling into darkness? And you just kept
falling &
falling &
falling &
you just weren't hitting the bottom?
Falling dreams are a common type of dreams that many people have.

Ever heard of the myth, "You will died if you do not wake up before you hit the ground during the fall?" Well it is a myth, you will not die if you don't wake up before you hit the ground.

Falling in your dream represents insecurities, instabilities and anxieties. May be reflecting from a relationship or in your work life.
Keep your head high and stay positive not negative because it gives you negative thoughts and that can cause falling dreams.

Your falling dreams can reflect a sense of failure such as failing at your job, school, or love. Your self-esteem has been lowered.

According to Freudian theory, falling dreams indicate that you are contemplating giving into a sexual urge or impulse.

When you are in your falling dream, you're usually in your first stage of sleep. The symptoms include muscle spasms in arms, legs, and anywhere else.
If you remember ever sleeping and then all of a sudden jerk or twitch and you wake up with a rush and your heart is beating fast?
Well that is because you were in the middle of a falling dream and the muscle spams caused the twitch which can wake you up.


  1. I haven't had one in a long time which now I realize is a very good thing. I had them a lot when I was younger which is a worry.. usually my falling dreams are falling of a stage or going really fast on a skateboard or skis and wiping out over a bridge or something weird like that, I always get those flinches afterword. Thanks for sharing what it all means!

  2. I always had these when I was younger, and I don't think I was contemplating my sexual urges (I was like 6, I thought babies came via a stork). I was a fairly content child with very little stresses so what could have cause this?
