Thursday 17 October 2013

Did you know you daydream?

Daydreaming is usually wondering thoughts, and the meanings of your dreams of night are symbols to your applicable daydreams. It is when you allow your imagination to run away from you. It can be random images, or images from your past. It happens when you are semi-awake.
It is said that the content in your daydreams, help you understand of your true feelings and what you want to do with your life, what your goals are for your future.
When you daydream, you are using the right side of your brain because that is the creative and feminine side of your personality.
When you worry about something you are visualizing and unwanted or negative outcome of a situation and therefore this can be classified as daydreaming because the more you think about it the more likely it is that they can happen.
You can use daydreaming to become successful because you imagine a positive thought that you want to come true.
For example an athelete might daydream about making the fastest record or throwing the farthest distance of a football, and a musician might have a positive daydream about having their single hit the charts at number 1 for a long period of time.
It is said that Tiger Woods, has used the techinique of daydreaming to improve his golf game, and it seems to have worked because he is one of the top golfers in the world.
Next time you have a test, daydream about acing it and it might just so work.
It is healthy for the body to daydream because it helps escape you from reality and makes you think of different things like what should of been or could have happened. It helps you let your emotions such as anger and sadness out and deal with them in a way that's not physical.
I think daydreaming is now a great factor to help you cope with things or get your different emotions out and if you don't like talking to people about your problems then it is the perfect solution for it.


  1. I love all these crazy facts about dreaming, they really make you think! I am quite the day dreamer to be honest:)

  2. So would you say that day dreaming is similar to personal affirmations? Like when you tell yourself positive things and create positive energy with the hope of positive things happening.

  3. I would say that yes Abena. Because when you tell yourself that, you're causing yourself to think about it and therefore builds more ambition in yourself and makes you strive for what you want.
