Wednesday 16 October 2013

I Wish

Lucid Dreaming.
One thing I wish I could do is lucid dreaming. This is when you are sleeping and dreaming but you are aware that you are dreaming. You self-conciously know.
If you're having a lucid dream or are a lucid dreamer, you have high chances to have some control with your dreams and are sometimes able to manipulate your imaginary experiences in the dream environment.
They can be vibid and realistic.
There is rumours that lucid dreaming is not a state of sleep persay, but a brief state of wakefulness.
But also there is no way to prove this other than asking a person who is a lucid dreamer what happens.
I think it would be really cool to be a lucid dreamer, especially since then you would be able to control your dreams and what goes on in them. So anything that you've ever imagined and wanted to happen, you could make happen in your dream.


  1. I think I was able to do that once. I was in a closet and zombies were trying to come and get me (and I had just watched the movie 'waking life') I didn't want to be in the dream anymore so i turned the light on and off, which proved it was a dream and woke myself up, it was pretty neat... but I always do wonder what would have happened if I had continued to sleep...??

  2. You know when you wake up from a really awesome dream and all you want to do is see how it ends so you try and go back to sleep? That's the closest I think I've ever come to lucid dreaming :)
