Thursday 17 October 2013

Nightmares are good

Have you ever woke up breathless or grasping for air or just terrified?
You wake up scared and look around to try and remember where you are and whats going on?
Well this is called a nightmare.
A nightmare is in a subcategory of dreams. Usually in a nightmare it is about emotional or scary content. It will never be happy thoughts otherwise that would be just a dream. Since your nightmare will be vivid and scary, when you wake up you are more likely to remember it and what happened. When you do wake up for the day, it has an impact on you and causes you to remember what happened and the images that you saw in the nightmare and it affects you all day. Your nightmare has a bigger impact on you when you're awake during the day then when you are actually experiencing the nightmare.
If you're a person that is sensitive, creative, imaginative, or intuitive then you are more likely to have a nightmare because you are more tuned in and pay attention to your surroundings.
If you are in a situation or problem and it is affecting you or you're trying to avoid it, you will have a nightmare. This is because your conscious is getting your attention and it's telling you to fix the problem and stop pushing it away.
Sometimes a nightmare can actually warn you about a problem that might be rising in the future. If your health is not safe or someone elses you will have a nightmare about it. This also goes for an accident, if something is going to happen.
If you actually pay attention and not be afraid of your nightmare you will start to realize what the message is and analyze what is going on.
I think nightmares are now somewhat a good thing in the sense that they're helping you in the way of fear. It is your own mind and thoughts that are causing the nightmare because you're pushing away those certain thoughts, that you're really suppose to be taking care and solving them.
Next time you have a nightmare, if you rememeber you should try and analyz what happened and what it could mean and maybe it will help you.


  1. Wow! This is really neat! I feel like my nightmares sometimes make me really thankful for something/someone I have instead of taking them for granted, they help me a lot in that way but I hate the feeling of thinking its all real when you wake up:( really interesting post, can't wait to see more! (put more neat facts about nightmares ~or what ever your next blog post is about~ to make it more factual and fun.)

  2. I don't dream/have nightmares very often but you're totally right! The nightmares are easier to remember than the dreams. I used to have reoccurring nightmares as a kid. Do you know what that means? Cuz I would like to know. I love this dream-analysis type thing! Awesome!
